Inaugural Summit (Wednesday 22nd January 2020)
Councillor Abdul Salam Khan Deputy leader of the council, welcomed over 80 representatives of Coventry’s diverse religious, cultural and interested communities and groups at the Welcome Centre on Wednesday 22 January 2020.
The communities and local partner organisations came together to begin the process of developing the Coventry Sacred Space Initiative. They were joined by representatives of West Midlands Police, the Home Office, City Council and other statutory bodies and agencies.
The new initiative will see communities working with partners to transform the area surrounding Swanswell Park, which is in-need of repair and regeneration, with many local people having few opportunities and facing mental and physical health challenges.
This Summit was organised by the Coventry Safety and Security working group with representatives of local community and supported by Local Authority. International café type workshop was held where different strands of work were discussed.
The atmosphere was electric with a desire for communities to work together to create a change.
The communities are now working with partners to develop the sacred space initiative.